One of the biggest challenges experimentation teams face is the fact that they struggle to get buy in and engagement from stakeholders and other parts of the business. Growing awareness about the experiments being run is the strongest way to counter this and garner support from other parts of the business. However, the only ways […]
Five things every experimentation manager must know about managing a testing program
Experimentation Leads / Managers / Capability Leads have an interesting role to play. But not all of them are doing the right tasks. In this article, we highlight the challenges faced by organizations and what experimentation managers should be doing to hold their teams accountable
Anatomy Of An Experiment Insight
Your experiment learnings and insights are the most powerful part of the experimentation process. If not handled correctly or overlooked, it can nullify all the work you have put in to running the experiment. The default state for a lot of experimentation teams is to lead with the actual experiment itself i.e the changes, the […]
Product Update: Experiment Health Score
The challenge with organizations trying to grow their experimentation program across the wider business is it faces an uphill challenge to get a disparate group of people to run experiments at the same level of quality. Often, there is no visibility of the quality of the experiments run.
This is why created the Experiment Health Score.
Five mistakes experimentation teams make when it comes to test documentation
Experimentation program documentation – the process from idea to result – are (or rather should be) a significant part of an organization’s experimentation program. It is something we at Effective Experiments have been talking about since our inception in 2014 when the idea of tracking experiments seemed like an alien concept. Stakeholders are now starting […]
Experimentation Program Blindspots : HARK-ing
Experimentation teams could be changing their hypothesis or data after an experiment is run. Here’s how to stop this malpractice in your team.
How To Effectively Manage Your Backlog Of Ideas
Having a steady stream of ideas is important when running an experimentation program. But, a bloated backlog can cause problems for your experimentation program. We explore how to maintain your idea backlog properly.
Optimization Bias: How True Optimizers Avoid the Dunning-Kruger Effect
Optimization, by nature, is an exact science – strategize, execute, analyze. Those who are good at it are methodical, detail oriented, and observant. However, in every industry, there are people who think they know more than they actually do.