Experiment Health Scores

Automated Data Integrity Checks
For Every Experiment

Trustworthy experiment insights that your stakeholders can truly rely on to make strong product decisions.

Detailed Health Scores for every experiment

Automated tracking of every single experiment to ensure trustworthy and reliable experimentation practices.

  • Experiment quality at glance Metrics that inform you quickly
  • Know exactly where to improve Help your team get better at testing
  • Spot the trends & red flags Understand if quality is improving is declining

Realtime Alerts on data integrity issues

  • Prevent bad practices Stop peeking and retrospective changes
  • Improve team understanding Show your team what good experiments look like
  • Track and grow team performance See how individuals improve their experiment quality

The better way to grow experimentation

Give unparalleled visibility of your experimentation insights & help your stakeholders make better product decisions.